bridal salon

How to Dress Shop with Your Mother (or Mother-in-Law)

How to Dress Shop with Your Mother (or Mother-in-Law)

No matter the relationship with your mother or mother-in-law, it’s important to manage expectations. It’s finally time! You get to go wedding dress shopping. You’ll likely have some idea of the style you’re looking for and, of course, your besties will probably want to come with you. Your mother and/or mother-in-law may also be interested […]

15 Ways to Save Money on Your Wedding Gown

15 Ways to Save Money on Your Wedding Gown

What you wear on your big day is a big deal, but it doesn’t have to break the bank! When it comes to your wedding dress, some people may say spare no expense. But the truth is, a wedding dress can get pretty pricey – and then when you add in alterations, it can cost […]