Christine McGrath

How Much Should You Spend on an Engagement Ring?

How Much Should You Spend on an Engagement Ring?

There are a lot of myths on what to spend, so it can be hard to get an estimate. Congrats! You’re about to embark on such an exciting time in your life. But first, you need to pick out an engagement ring. Perhaps your significant other already has a ring in mind, or maybe you’re […]

Mrs. January: Why This BOLI Can’t Wait To Grow Old With Her Husband
Proposals & I Dos

Mrs. January: Why This BOLI Can’t Wait To Grow Old With Her Husband

In Brides of Long Island’s Monthly “Mrs.” series, we profile some of our members’ unforgettable weddings. This month, BOLI Christine talks about the special surprise her husband planned on their wedding day. A Facebook friendship turned into something more when Christine and Frank matched on the dating app Hinge. Christine says the two of them […]

9 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Wedding

9 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Wedding

We all make New Year’s resolutions, why not make them for your wedding this year? A brand new year is right around the corner. And while most people are thinking of some New Year’s resolutions for themselves, why not make them for your wedding this year? Even if you’re not getting married in the upcoming […]

The Pros and Cons of Holiday Weddings

The Pros and Cons of Holiday Weddings

The good, the bad and the festive reasons to have your wedding on a holiday. From counting down to midnight with your loved ones on New Year’s Eve to watching fireworks under the stars on the Fourth of July, having your wedding on a holiday can be festive and fantastic. But as with all things, […]

6 Things to Consider When Making Your Wedding Day Timeline
The Insider Scoop

6 Things to Consider When Making Your Wedding Day Timeline

Michael Lopacki, of Michael John Photography, has tips to make sure your wedding day is perfect. With all of the planning that we do for our wedding, making sure the day goes smoothly is important. And one way to help with that is to create a wedding day timeline. This may seem like a daunting […]

7 of the Best Wedding Invitation Vendors on Long Island

7 of the Best Wedding Invitation Vendors on Long Island

Looking to personalize your wedding invitations? BOLI has seven of the best wedding invitation vendors on Long Island! When it comes to your wedding invitations, you’ll want to make an impression. This is something that will live on your family or friend’s refrigerator or desk for weeks leading up to the big day. But where […]

The Best Honeymoon Specialists on Long Island

The Best Honeymoon Specialists on Long Island

At a loss of where to begin with planning your honeymoon? These specialists have you covered. We get it. You’re deep into wedding planning, and the thought of planning your honeymoon – which is supposed to be relaxing after your big day – is giving you anxiety. Well, don’t worry. Brides of Long Island has […]